Week 6: Stream Live for Android Vs iOS

Alright I lied. There won’t be any livestream of the brawl between these two operating systems. However, the battle between them has been going on for quite sometime, even up to today.

Let us take a look at our candidate’s arsenal shall we?

See the source image

On the left side of the ring, we got iOS. iOS was created by the Apple genius Steve Jobs, who created a phone that revolutionized the world in 2007, the iPhone. Before that, he created several products throughout the years such as his first ever hand made computer “Apple 1” in 1979. With that, iOS is a core business, meaning it closed appliances tethered to a closed ecosystem, basically only Apple can edit and add their stuff.

See the source image

On the other side of the ring, we got Android. Android was created by the Google legendary duo Sergey Bin and Larry Page, who were recognized as the creators of one of the best search engines in the globe. The duo created their first Android phone in 1998, which later created and improved the operating system “Android” in the following years. Unlike iOS, Android is an open source and many companies use their operating systems such as HTC, Xiaomi and LG.

But the question is, which one is better? iOS or Android? Let us review each of our fighter’s arsenal again.


  • Full control on iOS, app market and developers
  • Massive profit gain after each sellout
  • Solely Apple developers can work on iOS
  • An individual manufacturer


  • Given out for free
  • Open source system
  • Small profit gain
  • Enormous amount of independent OS and app developers
  • Has a lot of companies rather than just one

According to Simon Hill of Digital Trends (2018), there is really no “best” operating system, it really depends on what you are looking for. iOS would have better a better app store, apps and accessibility. On the other hand, Android is more affordable, customizable or even a better cloud.


At the end of the day, it just comes to your preference on what type of phone you are looking for. If you ask me, I rather not just not buy a phone and save that money up for a new computer, a better buy in my opinion.


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