Week 11: Internet of Things

Wow, last week of lectures already? Felt like my first semester at UOW started just yesterday? But oh well, it was a thrill to learn the knowledge about media and communication so far.

In this last lecture, we learnt something called the Internet of Things. “The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these things to connect, collect and exchange data.” (Brown, E. 2016).

The IoT can be used to help everyone around the world, such as elder care by providing aid towards people with disabilities and elders. IoT can create benefits towards them as IoT technology can sense when they have seizure or any health failures. IoT can be also used in transportation. such as checking whether a vehicle is running low on gas or determine the speed it is going by. This can ensure a more safer and convenient method for the driver while he is on his journey.

The rise IoT technology has benefitted the world, creating ease to our global citizens, and it is only the beginning.

According to Forbes, IoT is predicted to bring the following things to the future:

  1. Marketers will wake up to the IoT opportunity, while wearables remain a niche.
  2. IoT platform offerings will begin to specialize in design and operate scenarios.
  3. Developers will pursue device integration via public cloud IoT platform services.
  4. Key use cases will drive a spike in deployment of edge solutions.

Hope you enjoyed reading my last blog for this semester, and that you learnt a thing or two about global networks!

See the source image


3 thoughts on “Week 11: Internet of Things

  1. There is definitely a lot of things to the Internet of Things. It is interesting how you mentioned how it helps the elderly even if the elderly are outdated with this generation’s technology. But it also makes it easier for a lot of people. Are there other instances where the Internet of Things helped society?


  2. Using the internet of things in a way to help the elderly would be what truly can help the society move in a better direction, and perhaps provide us with more options on how to help them. Great blog.


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