Annotated Bibliography


Annotated Bibliography 

“How does Online Platforms help Street Dance Events in Promoting Themselves in Hong Kong?”

  • Pino, G., Peluso, A., Del Vecchio, P., Ndou,V. (2019) A methodological framework to assess social media strategies of event and destination management organizations, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management
This journal entry investigates on the issues on using social media for promoting events for tourism purposes, and also proposes a methodological framework for event organizers to increase their audience views within their social media sites. The quantitative research is presented in two studies, examining Facebook comments on a religion event and also sample tweets in a Southern Italian Tourism page.
The authors have presented the benefits of using social media to enhance their promotion strategies, using the means of social media. The authors states how using social media will create excitement towards the attendees and boost online engagement towards the participants and the organizers. Thus, making social media a vital role in sustaining an event’s success.
During the authors’ investigation in their study, they were in depth in how the conducted their research. Starting with the amount of media elements used, main themes being presented and so forth. The research also demonstrates how different social media platforms can also affect the promotion strategies event organizers are planning to use.
This journal entry is useful for people who want to explore how social media can help benefit their event more effectively, which in this context will be beneficial for the topic on how online platforms help on promotion for Hong Kong street dance events.
However, the research was based on tourism events, so some points may not be relevant in terms of dance event promotion.
  •  Biba, E., (2008) Promoting events with social media BtoB, 1087948X, , Vol. 93, Issue 16

This journal paper describes the different methods in promoting events through the means of social media. The author points out how using social media in terms of promotion is highly effective in this day of age. Using social media not only will save money, but also create an increase in promotion, thus leading to a larger audience in the future.

The author suggests several approaches on how to promote an event effectively on social media, such as finding out the language that suits the audience they are targeting. Using a holistic approach is the only way in the author’s opinion. The main message the author wants to speak out is that using social media for promoting events has to be like a conversation, towards the event organizers and the people.

This journal paper is beneficial on how to promote events through social media. It provides a sufficient amount of information of how to use the right marketing strategies to promote an event using social media. However, it lacks some data analysis and is written more towards a general audience, rather than to people interested to know how event promotion in greater detail. Therefore, this journal paper may not be useful for people who want to know the statistics of how using these marketing strategies can help boost the event’s popularity.

  • Johnson, I. (2018) Battling in the Bronx: Social Choreography and Outlaw Culture Among Early Hip-Hop Streetdancers in New York City

In this scholar paper talks about the history of how street dance culture has risen from the 70s in the Bronx, that go into great detail with interviews from some of the pioneers of the Hip Hop scene.  The interviews and research took place in several street dance cyphers, practices and events in eleven North American cities and five European countries in the period of 2005 to 2012.

Trac2, a bboy from the South Bronx in the 70s era, mentioned how if it were not for the Bronx culture, street dance battles would not be how they are in the international stage. The fundamentals of how a street dance battle plays out, comes from the lifestyle of the South Bronx culture, according to Trac2. He also mentions how a true street dancer knows that the real winner of the event, is always under the last man standing concept.

The paper mentions and describes this phenomenon as survivalism, where the last man standing is seen as the champion, rather than having the most mind blowing or smoothest moves. Other strategies mentioned include strategizing and Nomadism, which in context refers to, “social and demands interaction with others beyond one’s own circle to prove and elevate one’s skills.”

The author also includes the interviewee’s way of understanding how these battles work, and the history behind it. Based of the myriad of interviews like from Cartoon the popper, Baby Love (who is the first popularized girl breakdancer in the world) and more, what makes a street dance battle what it is, is the values that are placed in these events and Hip Hop culture.

This scholar paper is useful in understanding where street dance came from and how these battles work. It discusses the different values from hip hop pioneers and is beneficial for people who would want to know in deep detail on how street dance battles work and why they do it.






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