Short Reflection: Research Process on Online Promotion

At the start of my research process, my group and I were grouped together based on our similar topics. We created a hypothesis and decided to proceed with our research plan a few days after our preparation. I decided to investigate about online promotion of street dance events in Hong Kong.

My group created a survey regarding the use of social media, which had over 50 participants. It was a bit of a struggle to compile our topics together, in order to create a survey that can benefit all our topics. But in the end, we were able to put the right amount of questions for our survey that wasn’t too long and boring for the participants to do.

We had also conducted a focus group interview with 3 of our classmates. Each member was able to ask around 3 questions each, giving us to talk for around 3-4 mins. The focus group interview went smoothly like a breeze, with not much trouble other than the camera’s battery getting low at some point.

The survey results has helped us tremendously with our project, as well as our focus group interview.

Personally, I was able to learn how to write down specific questions for a research project, and how to conduct a research interview for a focus group. I have created surveys before back in my Associate degree and also high school, but this would be a first for being in a group and conducting a research project. It was also my first time to conduct a focus group interview in my life. I believe these skills were able to benefit me in the future if I decide to pursue in a career that involves data collection. In general, this is a useful skill that can be used if I want to investigate an issue, conduct the research and analyze the data.

However, there is certainly room for improvement for conducting a better research process in the future. Although I believe I asked specific questions in my survey, I believe it was still a bit broad and it can be dived in deeper. Being a bit broad would probably be my weakest factor throughout my research project. I did not add an “other” option in my survey questions, which prevented me from getting to know new information that I may not know about it. This mistake definitely hindered the quality of the research project, as I could have provided new information for myself and interested parties.

Overall, I was able to understand on a deeper level on the importance qualitative and quantitative data, and how to use them effectively. Conducting a research project and using the data collection right is not as easy as you think, but now I am able to learn from this project and use it more effectively when needed.



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