Individual Autoethnography: Nepalis and Korean Dramas


In my individual autoethnography based off my blog posts in the last few weeks, I decided to expand on my topic and focus on Nepalis and their experience with Korean Dramas (K-Dramas). Previously, I focused on Mainland Chinese and their interaction with Kpop but now I want to see the reactions and experience of Nepalis and K-Dramas.

I have interviewed 4 Nepalis via podcast for my digital artefact, analyzing their verbal and non-verbal language based on the autoethnography methodology.

Majority of the participants are already fans of K-Dramas, so it gave me a better analysis on how Nepalis react when exposed to these type of shows.

Participant 1: She was interested in the Korean drama. She showed a lot of laughing vibes and was happy majority of the time. Her reaction was similar to someone under the influence on marijuana, with the non stop laughing and giggles throughout the entire video. Her body language suggests she is indulged in Korean culture in her daily life.

Participant 2:  She didn’t show much interest as Participant 1. She showed very faint emotions on the video she was watching and her body language was relaxed. It showed that she wasn’t very into K-dramas or Variety Shows. Unlike others , her actions and expressions shows that she is not indulged in K-Drama or Korean Variety shows.

Participant 3: Just like Participant 1 and another Participant I interviewed. She was engulfed in the video and she knew what they were on about and what was going on. She was so into it that she even knows alot about korean culture and a popular eating livestream online called “Mukbangs(목방). Her body language signalled that indeed she was a die hard fan of Korean Dramas and the culture itself. She showed a lot of excited emotions.

Participant 4: This Participant not only used her body language to show the excitement but her own mother language and the change of tones on her voice expressed how she was feeling while watching the video. It definitely showed that she was really into K-Dramas. She even mentioned that it is such a huge part of her life because she can relate to some of the storylines and the messages the drama is trying to deliver.

ages the drama is trying to deliver.