Blog 1: Media Space

Media space can be seen all around us in the 21st century. Whether in schools, cinemas or even at your very own home, media is found in every aspect in your daily life.

I will be talking about the media space within my own home, and the experiences and history that comes with it.

My home consists of several devices, in order to sustain a easier and comfortable lifestyle. You may ask, like what?

Television, computers, printers, washing machine, and my personal favourite, the WiFi Router.

My television holds a lot of memories as the existence of TV has been there since I was growing up. From massive block looking TV to one where it is thin and installed into a wall, a pretty good upgrade don’t you reckon?

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Television in Today’s Generation

With the Apple TV accessory, I am able to watch my favourite TV shows from Netflix, or play YouTube clips directly from my phone. Hence, the TV feels more connected to me than ever as I am able to play shows and clips any time I want to. Personally, I love watching Hip Hop videos on the TV as you can see more of the details in their movement and hear more clearly on what they have to say to the public.
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Netflix’s Logo

Back in the day, TV only has cable and you can’t play on demand like the functionality you can do now. VHS tapes were a trend too as well, now being considered a vintage item to the newer generation.

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A VHS Tape back during the 90s Generation 

In a reading I read titled “A Global Sense of Place” (M. Doreen, 1994) the author stated an intriguing point about media space and power. He gave the example of you being on top of a satellite in outer space and you have the power to see people on earth in perfect detail, like a super advanced microscope. He points out that you will probably notice the different levels of communications towards people and their relationship with their media, and the ones who are more connected to the media connection flow, have an increased advantage on using it to it’s maximum potential.


  • M. Doreen, (1994) “A Global Sense of Place”

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