Blog 2: Television Before My Time

I had a conversation with my grandfather not so long, asking him what was it like during his days and television. With an instant grin, he proceeds to tell me his good old days.

“Charlie Chaplin was always the man to make my day when he comes up”, said by my grandfather, followed by a couple low pitched giggles.

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A portrait of Charlie Chaplin, one of the popular comedians in the 50s

He mentioned how when he was a young boy, television was revolutionary during his time, the “Apple TV” of their days. His parents were amused by the whole idea of technology itself, especially when you can watch people entertaining for you, in your own living room! To us millennials, this may seem like nothing, but the 50s was another story.

Television shows would be in black and white, and everyone would watch together as if it was a special moment for the family. As compared to now where almost any online show or video can be streamed in the palm of our hands, they would have to just hope for the best for their favorite show to come up!

The television would not be like thin and slick like the ones from Samsung or LG.

“Television would be a massive wooden block with a small screen at the front” 

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Television back in the 50s

Television changed the world in my grandfather’s eyes, with being updated to global news, to just giving you laughs from some of the funniest people out there. However, it indeed come with a cost. Such a device in that era would cost a fortune for people, probably equivalent to purchasing a 100 inch TV screen. In other words, not everyone had a TV, and those who did, were the “lucky ones”.


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