Blog Design Review

Blog design plays an important role in making a blog stand out. I believe to make a blog stand out, you got to present your personality into it. Let me show you my blog.

I started using a black and white theme, keeping it simple and clean. Why you may ask? If you know me personally, I am direct and not into sugar coding. Simply put, black and white. And also I just like black and white.

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For my blog, I placed the header image as a black and white photo of the Hong Kong streets, to represent where I come from. It is an introduction of where I come from to users who do not know who I am. Even my WordPress name “ErrylClassics” is a unique way of saying this blog is the one and only. Originally it is just a fancy way to make a cool and fresh name, but now I like to think of it as this blog as one of the classics since the name “Erryl” is hard to find in this world. Therefore, I believe this stands out due to this fact.

On top of that, the logo of my blog is a selfie of myself, wearing something simple. I believe there is no need to dress fancy or stylish when showing yourself off, just be yourself and that is all everyone needs to know. Therefore, I believe this gives off a strong personal touch to my blog.

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On the bottom of my selfie, a quote I placed can be found which is “Communication is key to this world.” A reference to the communication course that I am taking.

In my blog posts, I like to use the different colors and headings to emphasize certain parts of my post. If the sentence is a warning or something important for readers to take note of, I may use a red font or even use Heading 2. Quotes may be used with Heading 3 or 4 to emphasize the impact of the quote. I also use a lot of imagery to show a vivid representation in my posts. This gives a clearer perspective to my readers on what I am trying to portray. I get a majority of my images from Google or are my own self taken photos. I also include some GIFs to make my post more alive, literally.

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I created the navigation bar so it can be put into three categories: Sem A, Sem B and Sem C. Within these categories, you can see the courses inside that semester and find certain posts. This can create some convenience when users try to navigate for a post they want to find.

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I believe what I need to improve on is to add more hashtags to my posts, as this can really increase the popularity of my WordPress blog.


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